Improve Warehouse Operations with an Audit

warehouse operationsEnsuring the success of your business lies in how smoothly your supply chain operates. Inefficient warehouse operations, in particular, negatively affect your overall business performance. From high operating costs to dissatisfied customers, these issues pile up and result in a loss of sales and reduced profitability.

A warehouse audit can uncover unseen inefficiency. This practice entails a comprehensive inspection that assesses everything in your warehouse. From processes to employee morale, an audit will reveal the problems that plague your business. Using the information gathered, you can develop strategies that address each issue.

Consider investing time and money in regular warehouse audits to improve your operations. Discover the advantages you get from this practice.

What You Get from a Warehouse Audit

A warehouse audit can often be broken down into three steps. First, qualitative and quantitative data is gathered from stakeholders and each department. Next, the gathered information is analysed and evaluated to reveal issues, potential risks and other factors that impact business performance. Lastly, a report is compiled to disclose the necessary steps that you need to take to resolve issues and mitigate risks.

Here are the insights you should expect from your warehouse audit.

Reveal Inefficiencies

One of the major advantages of investing in a warehouse audit is discovering the inefficiencies of your warehouse. When processes churn out acceptable results, there is hesitancy in changing them. However, an audit can reveal unnecessary processes and higher than needed operating costs. Undiscovered, these can hamper the growth and development of the business.

Take the necessary steps to improve on these inefficiencies. Often, the solution lies in simplicity. Recently, warehouse managers have taken to digitising their processes. Doing so allowed them to cut out unnecessary procedures and combine similar practices, resulting in increased efficiency and improved productivity.

Establish Standards

The insights gathered in an audit allow you to create sustainable standards for your warehouse. Aligning them with your business goals and make sure they meet regulations and safety requirements. Establishing standards that are specific to your business boosts employee morale. It gives them a sense of teamwork and uniformity that can positively impact productivity.

Prevent Issues

Risk assessment and mitigation are major factors in an audit. The former is revealed during the data gathering and assessment stages, while the latter comes from the report. These help you improve your operations and facilities to meet industry standards.

A warehouse safety audit, for example, reveals health and safety problems that might compromise your operations. Addressing these while they are minor issues helps you eliminate or mitigate risks that can result in expensive and time-consuming solutions.

Improve Warehouse Operations with the Shelving Shop Group

Get the most out of your warehouse audit by hiring a professional. The Shelving Shop Group is an independent auditor that specialises in pallet and warehouse racking inspections. We employ a non-disruptive audit process that assesses your warehouse, from top to bottom. We will help you keep your staff and inventory safe and compliant with New Zealand’s industry standards.

Book an appointment for a consultation. Call us on 0800 180 280 or leave a message here for enquiries.

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